
Sat Jun 1 2024 22:47:44 PDT
  • Product: rest/bug
  • Component: rest/bug
  • Alias: rest/bug
  • Summary: rest/bug
  • Whiteboard: rest/bug
  • Crash Signature: rest/bug
  • URL: page.cgi
  • Classification: (is not equal to) Graveyard

12 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
387586 Implement the ability to get all bug changes made by some given user in some given time range Bugzilla Query/Bug List dylan+test ASSI --- 2019-03-30
1155212 "Flags Requested of You" should provide a link to the anchor where the flag was requested MyDashboard nobody NEW --- 2019-11-08
1253764 $bug_id in PUT rest/bug/$bug_id is ignored if the ids key is also passed as parameter Bugzilla WebService webservice NEW --- 2024-02-27
1102995 Allow the REST API for searching comment tags to use the format /rest/bug/comment/tags?query=<query> Bugzilla WebService webservice NEW --- 2021-04-01
1247251 Component list size 5 is small in triage_reports.html Extensions nobody NEW --- 2019-10-15
201756 Implement a weekly bug summary report Bugzilla Reporting/Charting charting NEW --- 2024-02-27
430722 Linkify script to use quoteUrls is orphaned Bugzilla Bugzilla-General general NEW --- 2016-04-03
1381570 POST /rest/bug (and Bug.create) do not send email identically to post_bug.cgi Email Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
921353 quicksearch.html should not say that Comment fields are searched by default Bugzilla Documentation documentation NEW --- 2018-05-24
1003304 Return 'creator_detail' for /rest/bug/<bug_id>/attachment to avoid additional lookup for real_name Bugzilla WebService webservice NEW --- 2024-02-21
870635 User activity report doesn't reverse the sort by date Extensions nobody NEW --- 2019-10-15
1651017 Return comment ID on /rest/bug Bugzilla WebService webservice UNCO --- 2024-02-21
12 bugs found.