
Wed Jun 12 2024 07:30:51 PDT
  • Product: rest/bug
  • Component: rest/bug
  • Alias: rest/bug
  • Summary: rest/bug
  • Whiteboard: rest/bug
  • Crash Signature: rest/bug
  • URL: showdependencygraph.cgi
  • Classification: (is not equal to) Graveyard

10 bugs found.
ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
1651017 Return comment ID on /rest/bug Bugzilla WebService webservice UNCO --- 2024-02-21
1901998 [traceback] RetryError: bugzilla 502 for /rest/bug Socorro Webapp nobody NEW --- 05:33:16
365114 No way to see the product and component for bugs when hovering them in dependency graphs Bugzilla Dependency Views dependency.views NEW --- 2010-08-13
1200203 long bug summaries break dependency graph view when summaries are enabled General nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1381570 POST /rest/bug (and Bug.create) do not send email identically to post_bug.cgi Email Notifications nobody NEW --- 2024-02-27
1811030 Bug Dependency Graphs return a 504 gateway timeout (after a long while) API nobody NEW --- 2024-02-21
1816219 "Show dependency graph" takes too long and eventually times out Extensions nobody NEW --- 2023-03-10
1003304 Return 'creator_detail' for /rest/bug/<bug_id>/attachment to avoid additional lookup for real_name Bugzilla WebService webservice NEW --- 2024-02-21
1102995 Allow the REST API for searching comment tags to use the format /rest/bug/comment/tags?query=<query> Bugzilla WebService webservice NEW --- 2021-04-01
1253764 $bug_id in PUT rest/bug/$bug_id is ignored if the ids key is also passed as parameter Bugzilla WebService webservice NEW --- 2024-02-27
10 bugs found.