Closed Bug 986659 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Deploy either production keys or try keys to the Windows builder (GPO)


(Infrastructure & Operations :: RelOps: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: armenzg, Assigned: q)


This would remove the need to have to manually access a machine to deploy the keys.
This would speed up the time it takes to put a machine back into production.

The data is stored in the slavealloc DB, however, if a person in releng requests a re-image without updating the field properly it will fail.

There is another way that is less prone to human error which would be to load the values of WIN64_REV2 and TRY_WIN64_REV2 from

Another way would be once the machines are on SCL3 where they would either be inside of the try vlan OR not.

We should be watchful that moving a machine that is moved to the loaner OU will always remove the keys. I believe we have that in place but it would be great to verify it again.
Since the windows machines should migrate to scl3 within the next couple months, this is best done by VLAN there.
Assignee: relops → mcornmesser
All the Windows machines are in scl3 now, so we're good to proceed here, please.
Keys are no
Assignee: mcornmesser → q
Q: we're done here?
Flags: needinfo?(q)
Yes we are done. The only caveat to this whole procedure is that we currently do not have an automated method of determining staging machines but those seem to be a small minority of build machines and can be managed by hand for now.
Closed: 10 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(q)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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