Closed Bug 880552 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Add links to socorro from the crash signatures in show_bug.cgi


( :: User Interface, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: lizzard, Assigned: glob)



(1 file)

We could add links to the Socorro report/list pages for the signatures, e.g. 

If there are crash signatures associated with a bug, each signature could have a link next to it that goes to crash-stats. As kairo pointed out in that crash-stats page will have a tab that links all bugs connected to that signature.
i think the use-case for this request isn't solid enough to expose it to all users.

it should happen in a firefox addon, or on an opt-in basis via some mechanism (group membership, preference, etc).
.. or wait for the role-specific pages and add it to the triage page.
Severity: normal → minor
The main use case for this is what me and other stability investigators are doing almost every time we're asked about any details to a crash in a bug, and that's going to *exactly that* report/list page and getting info off the Signature Summary, Reports, Comments, or other tabs there. This page is where anyone can find all relevant data off reports for this crash signature - which versions it happens in, if it's mostly at startup or later in execution, which OSes, Flash versions, dates, etc. it's happening on - and what comments people leave us when encountering it, which often gives us clues as to how to reproduce. Not to mention correlations with loaded libraries or add-ons. All of that is on this report/list page.
That said, right now we work around this mostly by having this link posted in a comment in almost every single crash bug out there. Just look at bugs with the crash keyword and find those links there, in most cases even in comment #0 as we consider this link part of the basic info you need about a crash.
FWIW, I would also find such links useful.  I don't see how the current textual data
is more useful to anyone.
how about we support socorro urls the see-also field?

> FWIW, I would also find such links useful.  I don't see how the current
> textual data is more useful to anyone.

searching by crash sig?
Glob, not sure what you mean. Also, we already have the crash signature field, I don't want us to need adding info to any other field like See Also.
(In reply to Byron Jones ‹:glob› from comment #6)
> searching by crash sig?

Searching where exactly? Bugzilla? Google? Neither of those is particularly
useful.  The only useful signature search is in Socorro, which is what
the suggested links are for!
i spoke with kairo directly to clarify this request.

when viewing the crash-signature field (before you click edit) we need to linkify each signature to socorro.

the signatures are bounded by \[\@\s* and \s*\]
each signature should be linked to$signature

for example:

a crash signature field with
[@ js::gc::ScanRope ]
[@ ScanRope]

should render as
<a href="">[@ js::gc::ScanRope ]</a><br>
<a href="">[@ ScanRope ]</a><br>

note: it's valid for signature to contain brackets:
[@ -[ChildView keyDown:]]
[@ -[ChildView keyDown:] ]
Assignee: nobody → glob
Attached patch 880552_1.patchSplinter Review
perl's core Text::Balanced module makes parsing that field a breeze :)
Attachment #8569970 - Flags: review?(dkl)
what about signatures like: [@ xul.dll@0x1a42790 | SandboxCreateXMLHttpRequest]

with the current patch this will link to|%20SandboxCreateXMLHttpRequest ?

i suspect we should be linking to

is there a spec describing the signatures?

if not, what are the rules surrounding these sorts of signatures?

my guess is "if the sig contains a pipe, remove everything up to the pipe then trim whitespace from the remainder".
Flags: needinfo?(kairo)
(In reply to Byron Jones ‹:glob› from comment #11)
> what about signatures like: [@ xul.dll@0x1a42790 |
> SandboxCreateXMLHttpRequest]
> with the current patch this will link to
> dll@0x1a42790%20|%20SandboxCreateXMLHttpRequest ?

Yes, that's how it should be.

> i suspect we should be linking to
> list?signature=SandboxCreateXMLHttpRequest

No, that's wrong. the pipes are part of the signature, it just marks that the signature is a compound of multiple stack frames.

> is there a spec describing the signatures?

No, and for those links, we need to link full signatures anyhow, not decomposing them at all.
Flags: needinfo?(kairo)
Comment on attachment 8569970 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8569970 [details] [diff] [review]:

Looks great. r=dkl

::: extensions/BMO/template/en/default/hook/bug/edit-custom_field.html.tmpl
@@ +20,5 @@
> +%]
> +  [%# lifted from bug/field.html.tmpl %]
> +  <tr>
> +    [% PROCESS "bug/field-label.html.tmpl" %]
> +    <td class="field_value [% ' bz_hidden_field' IF hidden %]"

IF hidden part is not needed here.
Attachment #8569970 - Flags: review?(dkl) → review+
To ssh://
   a428a86..3208ebb  master -> master
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This is going to be very useful! Thanks Byron and dkl!
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