Closed Bug 833180 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Remove Ctrl + Mousewheel shortcut for changing zoom levels


(Firefox :: Disability Access, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Felipe, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [needs followup bugs for more UI control/zoom level indication])

In the last few weeks I heard many accounts of people who had accidentally changed their zoom level on some pages and were unaware of the problem or mistook the problem for something entirely unrelated (e.g. "broken site" or "window is not maximized", to name a few).
There's also data from Facebook that about 15% of their users currently have a non-standard zoom level (

Given how undiscoverable Zoom is on our current UI, and from empirical evidence when talking to people, I think there's reason to believe that a big part of that 15% represents accidental change. And the mousewheel method seems to be the one more likely to be triggered by accident.

The wheel is also usually imprecise for choosing the desired level so I wonder if people who are intentionally changing zoom even uses it. With that, I propose that we remove this shortcut. I'd like to hear what are the thoughts of people more directly involved with a11y in what they think is the most used method for changing zoom. We'll still have left:
 - ctrl + / -
 - the view menu
 - toolbar buttons (that can be added, not on the default set)
 - pinch to zoom
Wouldn't this also be solved by only having a zoom level indicator show up in the UI *when* the zoom level is not the default?
(anecdotal evidence: I just fixed another case of this today)

Improving the visibility of the feature is something that we need to do, but even if there was an indicator I think most people will be unaware or not understand what does it mean, and it would not prevent accidental usage as is happening at the moment.
With the new Australis panel UI, zoom level and controls should be much more accessible.
I for example use zoom with ctrl-mousewheel events. It's fast (contrary to the view menu and toolbar buttons) amd mouse driven (contrary to ctrl + / -), which is nice because your hand doesn't have to leave the mouse.
Felipe, I agree there's a problem that TB doesn't indicate current zoom level (and I tried in vain to campaign for that), but removing well-known mouse shortcuts for zoom is not the right solution for that problem. Ctrl+mouse wheel is a popular cross-OS default mouse shortcut for zoom. I think removing the mouse shortcut (ctrl+wheel) will create more surprises and problems than it solves. Accidental zoom level changes can be corrected from the menu, where users can find and then remember and use Ctrl+0 shortcut for resetting, too. I'm not sure why and how users would "accidentally" hold Ctrl while using mouse wheel.

We should think of better solutions like indicating zoom level and offering zoom buttons etc.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Whiteboard: [needs followup bugs for more UI control/zoom level indication]
Felipe, pls read and feel free to comment on
Bug 512956 - No Display of the current Zoom Level of a Message-Window in the Statusbar of that window
Depends on: 512956
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