
Thu Apr 25 2024 16:07:29 PDT
  • Bug ID: 753632, 737405, 756037, 756319, 756978, 756005, 753288, 744691

ID Type Summary Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Updated
737405 Clicking on a user in bugzilla should show activity bugzilla.mozilla.org User Interface glob RESO FIXE 2012-05-17
744691 Throw an error early when calling a method from a non-existent class Bugzilla WebService glob RESO FIXE 2012-10-11
753288 Add support for detecting Android operating system Bugzilla Creating/Changing Bu glob RESO FIXE 2012-05-21
753632 Bugmail for comments marked "Private" is sent in the clear instead of requiring S/MIME or GPG bugzilla.mozilla.org Extensions glob RESO FIXE 2019-10-15
756005 arecibo doesn't handle XMLRPC errors correctly bugzilla.mozilla.org General glob RESO FIXE 2012-05-21
756037 First Patch information showing up on non-patch attachments bugzilla.mozilla.org Extensions glob RESO FIXE 2019-10-15
756319 Mozilla QA default secure group should not be "core-security" bugzilla.mozilla.org Administration glob RESO FIXE 2012-05-17
756978 change the wording of the "bugzilla etiquette" page bugzilla.mozilla.org User Interface glob RESO FIXE 2012-05-21
8 bugs found.