Open Bug 275173 Opened 20 years ago Updated 1 month ago

CSS3 cursor 'no-drop' is the same as 'not-allowed'


(Core :: Widget, defect, P3)





(Reporter: MatsPalmgren_bugz, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs, )


(4 keywords, Whiteboard: tpi:+)


(2 files, 1 obsolete file)

Cursor glyph for CSS3 'no-drop' is the same as for 'not-allowed'.

(spawned off from bug 163174 comment 98)

The desired glyph is a hand with a small 'not-allowed' symbol next to it.
Keywords: css3, testcase
I've just started working on a new glyph.
Sergey, which program do you use to create win32 cursors? I use MicroAngelo. I
can easily convert a 32x32 .gif into a valid win32 .cur file.
I've created a custom no-drop win32 .cur; the only issue remaining is
determining the hotspot preferred in Mozilla.
With MSIE 6, you can view it
Frankly speaking, I edit the corresponding doublebytes manually after creating
the cursor.

I'll attach the specs for you here, wait a minute.
To save your time, I'll summarize: 0A is X coord offset, 0C is Y coord offset
for hotspot.
Open it in your favourite hex editor; the first bytes should be:

00 00 02 00 01 00 20 20 04 00 06 00 01 00 E8 02

06 and the following 01 is the hotspot: X=6, Y=1, counting from (0;0) the upper
left corner of the bitmap.
Several differences between my version and are the following:

1) I used 1-pixel white halo around no-drop symbol to make it visible on black
or other dark backgrounds

2) I made hand's thumb somewhat wider, to match anatomy of average user
Reduced unnecessary bloat; now this cursor is as small in filesize as 326
Attachment #169055 - Attachment is obsolete: true
> 1) I used 1-pixel white halo around no-drop symbol to make it visible on black
> or other dark backgrounds

Yeah, good idea: MSIE 6 does that.

> 2) I made hand's thumb somewhat wider, to match anatomy of average user

Also, your .cur file is smaller (766 bytes, 16 colors); mine is 2238 bytes, 256
2 colors should be enough ;-)
Attachment #169063 - Attachment mime type: image/x-mswindows-cursor → image/x-icon
Blocks: 280331
    Indicates that the dragged item cannot be dropped at the current cursor location. Often rendered as a hand or pointer with a small circle with a line through it. 

    Indicates that the requested action will not be carried out. Often rendered as a circle with a line through it.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
A lot of things has changed since 2006, and since I don't have access to a computer with Windows, I wonder, is this still the case?
Should have tried the testcase first, it's the same thing on Mac OS X. This should be switched from a Windows bug to an all OS bug, or, closed, if we feel that there is no need to have different cursors.
What's the right component for this bug?
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Assignee: win32 → nobody
Component: GFX: Win32 → Layout
Product: Core Graveyard → Core
QA Contact: ian → layout
Component: Layout → Widget
QA Contact: layout → general
Blocks: 1133584
Priority: -- → P4
Whiteboard: tpi:+

I get expected results in

I get/see an arrow (albeit not a white hand) with a small red 'not-allowed' circle symbol on its righthand side. The spec says: "Often rendered as a hand or pointer with a small circle with a line through it." So, an arrow is fine.

I use Firefox 52.0.1 buildID=20170317212642 under 
Linux 4.8.0-42-generic x86_64 (64bit)
Qt: 5.6.1
KDE Plasma: 5.8.5
KDE development platform: 4.14.22
KDE Frameworks: 5.28
Kubuntu 16.10 (codename: yakkety)

Can anyone else please report his/her findings for Windows 7, 8, 10 and for Mac OS X 10+ ?
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0

"no-drop" is the same as "not-allowed" for me on Win7
OS: All → Windows
Adding ddn so we can update the cursor property page when this is fixed.
Keywords: dev-doc-needed
(In reply to Chris Mills (Mozilla, MDN editor) [:cmills] from comment #17)
> Adding ddn so we can update the cursor property page when this is fixed.

hmm, I'm waiting for a fix since 13 years ... 
btw, why is this marked as "enhancement"? It's just a bug, no?
> hmm, I'm waiting for a fix since 13 years ... 
> btw, why is this marked as "enhancement"? It's just a bug, no?

Severity has been set to "normal"; "enhancement" has been removed. Presumably, enhancement was added at a time when CSS3 UI spec was then in a draft state.

Priority P4 has been replaced with P3.

- - - - - -

Can any Mac OS X users or Windows 10 report if this bug has been fixed for him/her when trying the following tests:


Thank you.
Severity: enhancement → normal
Priority: P4 → P3
Summary: Cursor glyph for CSS3 'no-drop' is the same as for 'not-allowed' → CSS3 cursor 'no-drop' is the same as 'not-allowed'
>Can any Mac OS X users or Windows 10 report if this bug has been fixed for him/her when trying the following tests:

I just tried today's nightly on my OSX 10.12 Macbook and the icon is still the same for no-drop and not-allowed (a small pointer under which there is a circle with a diagonal line through it). I also get a similar results in a stock Windows 10/Edge virtual machine, though the icon is just a red circle with a diagonal line through it, without a bit of pointer-arrow.

still same on Windows 7 /Chrome 79 ,but correct on IE8-10.Is there anybody in Mozilla follwing and fix this bug?

Severity: normal → S3

The severity field for this bug is relatively low, S3. However, the bug has 18 votes.
:spohl, could you consider increasing the bug severity?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(spohl.mozilla.bugs)

The last needinfo from me was triggered in error by recent activity on the bug. I'm clearing the needinfo since this is a very old bug and I don't know if it's still relevant.

Flags: needinfo?(spohl.mozilla.bugs)
See Also: → 1843771
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