Closed Bug 1835662 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Assess use of external action dtolnay@rust-toolchain in Mozilla's GitHub organization


( :: Github: Administration, task)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: emilio, Assigned: cknowles)

Details is a better alternative to the currently-allowed actions-rs toolchain action. The later is unmaintained and dtolnay is a well-known Rust community member.

When we moved the cbindgen repo to the mozilla org, the actions broke because of this, see

Below are my answers to your stock questions:

** Which repositories do you want to have access? mozilla/cbindgen (but probably other rust repos want that too)

** Are any of those repositories private? No

We need to update some of these templates - Actions are approved on an org-wide basis, hence the care taken with them.

I'll set an NI for Secops to take a look - but they're entering a work week, so there may be a delay (besides the "US Memorial Day holiday" issues)

Austin - let me know if there are any questions.

Flags: needinfo?(asargent)

Approved by secops, as for the other action mentioned in, we will likely keep it approved until the functionality is removed then work with teams on moving them to a action that continues to work (assuming functionality is still necessary).

I will update the Approved GHE repo within a few days.

Flags: needinfo?(asargent)

Austin - can I get the specific allowed action string? I think dtolnay/rust-toolchain@* is what we want - but would love confirmation of that.

Flags: needinfo?(asargent)

Ah yes, my bad I forgot to mention that in my comment thanks for the reminder - dtolnay/rust-toolchain@* is fine.

Flags: needinfo?(asargent)

Alright - that action is now active in the mozilla org - please give it a try and update here with either success or the next concern. (Sometimes actions rely on other actions that also have to be allowed.)

Assignee: nobody → cknowles
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)


Let us know if you need others.

Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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