Closed Bug 1796534 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

[Ubuntu22] Firefox Nightly randomly freeze and becomes unresponsive


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect)

Firefox 108



Tracking Status
firefox107 --- unaffected
firefox108 --- fixed


(Reporter: atrif, Unassigned)



(Keywords: regression)


(2 files)

Attached file aboutsupport.txt


Found in

  • 108.0a1 (20221016093143)

Affected versions

  • 108.0a1 (20221016093143)

Tested platforms

  • Affected platforms: Ubuntu 22.04.01
  • Unaffected platforms: Windows 10x64, macOS 11

Steps to reproduce
Unfortunately, I don’t have some clear steps to reproduce this issue. This happens very randomly after opening random tabs with webpages and closing them. This also happened when trying to attend a meeting on or Also, this happened after opening Firefox Nightly.

Expected result

  • Firefox functions as expected.

Actual result

  • Firefox randomly freezes.

Regression range

  • Due to intermittency I don’t think that I would be able to search for a regression range. Will come back if I do.

Additional notes

  • Attached a screen recording of the issue inside bug1795574#comment19.
  • A profiler cand be seen here
  • Reproduced the issue on three Ubuntu 22.04 machines.
  • Attaching about:support as well.
  • I tried multiple times but I cannot reproduce the issue with Firefox 107.0b2.
  • Restarting Firefox fixes the issue but can occur again.

Please run on terminal with MOZ_LOG="Widget:5" env variable set and attach the log here if you see the freeze. Would be great to know where the freeze happens and mark that in the log (or quit Firefox by ctrl+c on terminal when you see the freeze).

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)
Attached file mozlog.txt

(In reply to Martin Stránský [:stransky] (ni? me) from comment #1)

Please run on terminal with MOZ_LOG="Widget:5" env variable set and attach the log here if you see the freeze. Would be great to know where the freeze happens and mark that in the log (or quit Firefox by ctrl+c on terminal when you see the freeze).

Sorry for the long log. Had a harder time reproducing it this time. I pressed Ctrl+C only after the freeze was happening and tried opening some tabs to confirm that it is there. I don't know how I could mark the freeze more reliably.

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

Not a problem, Thanks!

I have made a screen recording with the terminal open as well here: link.

See Also: → 1796550
See Also: → 1796392

I believe this was a dupe of bug 1796392. Can you still reproduce? Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

Alexandru, if you don't know how to reproduce this, I could easily reproduce bug 1796392 by hovering the mouse pointer over a link on any site repeatedly, which opens a "popup" in the left bottom corner with the destination. This might explain why it seemed to be random as it did to me, whereas bug 1796392 mentioned tooltip popups which lead to the same freeze.

(In reply to Emilio Cobos Álvarez (:emilio) from comment #5)

I believe this was a dupe of bug 1796392. Can you still reproduce? Thanks.

Hello Emilio! It seems that I can no longer reproduce the issue with Firefox 108.0a1 (2022-10-24) on Ubuntu 22 with Wayland. I tried multiple times by closing/ opening tabs with different content and with or and the issue does not reproduce anymore.

(In reply to Viktor Jägersküpper from comment #6)

Alexandru, if you don't know how to reproduce this, I could easily reproduce bug 1796392 by hovering the mouse pointer over a link on any site repeatedly, which opens a "popup" in the left bottom corner with the destination. This might explain why it seemed to be random as it did to me, whereas bug 1796392 mentioned tooltip popups which lead to the same freeze.

Thank you, Viktor. I have also opened Wikipedia and hovered over one and multiple links at once repeatedly and the issue no longer reproduces.

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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