Open Bug 1768460 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The subtitles are not being enlarged/shrink directly proportional to the size of the PiP (when modifying subs size by pref)


(Toolkit :: Picture-in-Picture, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr91 --- disabled
firefox100 --- disabled
firefox101 --- affected
firefox102 --- affected


(Reporter: danibodea, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [fidefe-MR1-2022])


  • When the user sets the subtitle size to small or large (by modifying the value of the pref media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.display-text-tracks.size) and then modifies the size of the PiP window, he will notice that the subtitles are not being modified directly proportional to the PiP window.

Affected versions

  • Nightly v102.0a1
  • Beta v101.0b3

Affected platforms

  • all

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch browser.
  2. Load and play a video that has subtitles (Netflix/YT/Amazon Prime).
  3. Set media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.display-text-tracks.size = small
  4. Make the PiP window smallest while still displaying subs.
  5. Enlarge the PiP window slowly and observe subs font size.

Expected result

  • The Font size shrinks/enlarges directly proportional to the size of the PiP.

Actual result

  • The font size shrinks before it enlarges, while the PiP was slowly enlarged.

Regression range

  • This is an issue since the implementation of the pref.

Additional notes

  • This issue also occurs in the case of "large" subs, but the other way around.
Has STR: --- → yes
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