Closed Bug 1725408 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Go to download page context menu option not working in Private Window if


(Firefox :: Menus, defect, P1)




94 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox92 --- wontfix
firefox93 --- wontfix
firefox94 --- verified


(Reporter: atrif, Assigned: t.yavor)



Filled on request (bug 1721146#c18)

Affected versions

  • 92.0b2 (20210810185524)
  • 93.0a1 (20210812092607)

Affected platforms

  • macOS 10.15
  • Windows 10x64


  • / dom.block_download_insecure:true

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Firefox and Private Window.
  2. Go to and download a random item.
  3. After the download is completed press on the Go to Download page context menu from the downloads panel.

Expected result

  • Link is open in a new tab.

Actual result

  • Nothing happens.

Does bug 1725402 fix this? Can I assign this to you so it can be closed once bug 1725402 is fixed?

Flags: needinfo?(lyavor)

I couldn't reproduce it.
But I have only access to macOS 11.5, so I am already missing one of the given preconditions.

Just to ensure that I am understanding the problem correct:

In step 3 is no error message shown, I get a "File not downloaded: Potential security risk"?

Yes, please assign me and I will try to fix it.
( Even though I cannot reproduce it)

Flags: needinfo?(lyavor)
Assignee: nobody → lyavor

Hi Alexandru, did you get a similar "File not downloaded: Potential security risk" warning and proceed to download the file?

Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif)

(In reply to Jared Wein [:jaws] (please needinfo? me) from comment #3)

Hi Alexandru, did you get a similar "File not downloaded: Potential security risk" warning and proceed to download the file?

The warning is not relevant, and the OS version also doesn't matter. Here are more detailed steps that break for me on current nightly on both Windows and macOS 11.

  1. clean firefox profile
  2. open a private window
  3. open
  4. scroll down, pick the smallest (5MB) file
  5. in the dialog, pick "save" and click OK
  6. the downloads panel shows and has a warning next to the download. Ignore that, right click the entry with the warning, click "Go to Download page"
  7. [nothing happens]
  8. left-click the download, then allow it instead of removing it, in the downloads panel subview
  9. wait for the download to complete, try the context menu entry again
  10. still, nothing happens.
Flags: needinfo?(alexandru.trif) → needinfo?(lyavor)
Priority: -- → P1

Thank you!
I could reproduce it.

Flags: needinfo?(lyavor)

Also HTTPS-Only has some trouble with a download from that site.

(In reply to Jared Wein [:jaws] (please needinfo? me) from comment #1)

Does bug 1725402 fix this?

It does.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 94 Branch

Verified fixed with 94.0a1 (20210927093458) on Windows 10x64 and macOS 10.15 by following STR from comment 0.

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