Closed Bug 1723131 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Safari is not present in the import wizard


(Firefox :: Migration, defect)




Tracking Status
firefox90 --- wontfix
firefox91 --- wontfix
firefox92 --- affected


(Reporter: dcicas, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Affected versions

  • Fx 91.0b9
    Fx 90.0.2
    fx 92.0a1 (BuildID: 20210730093652)

Affected platforms

  • Mac OS 11.04

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Firefox.
  2. Open Firefox with a new profile.
  3. In a new tab click on import bookmarks from the bookmark toolbar.

Expected result

  • Safari is displayed as one of the options and the import is successful.

Actual result

  • Safari is not displayed and data cant be imported from it.

Regression range
Will return with regression range asap.

Additional notes

  • Firefox has full disk access.
Has Regression Range: --- → no
Has STR: --- → yes
Keywords: regression
Component: General → Migration
Product: Core → Firefox

Please update this bug with the regression range when you can.

Flags: needinfo?(daniel.cicas)

Hi jared
I tried to replicate the bug with todays nightly version 92.0a1 and release 90.0.2 on MacOs 11

but i can´t replicate the problem, And i am able to see safari on import list.

If safari is installed and no bookmark is done inside safari, it is not showing up on the firefox import option list.

For example i had a clean macOs 11 and no bookmarks in safari browser,and when i tried to import on firefox it gave me no program list to choose and a message that no bookmarks could be found. After that i created a bookmark in safari and then firefox import started to show up safari as my only option to import bookmarks.

(i think this is not a bug)

Flags: needinfo?(jaws)

I confirm what Pablo mentioned earlier. Went ahead and tried some old builds (60.0b4, trying older builds I could not create new profiles) and I see the same behavior. Having the Safari with no new Favourites/Bookmarks (except the ones that there are already pre-saved) will not display the Safari option inside the Migration wizard. Adding one website to Favourites will display Safari as a import browser inside the wizard, it will even appear if the previously added website to Favourites is deleted and only the default ones are left. Based on my testing I will remove the regression keyword assuming that if this is an issue it's a very very old one and could not use older builds then 60 beta (builds either crash, migration wizard not starting or new profiles can't be made).

Keywords: regression

Thanks, let's close this for now. There are a few cases where Safari won't show up and this is one of them. The other being not having full disk access,

Closed: 3 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jaws)
Flags: needinfo?(daniel.cicas)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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