Closed Bug 1710843 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Form Autofill is not synced between profiles anymore


(Toolkit :: Form Autofill, defect, P2)




Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- unaffected
firefox88 --- unaffected
firefox89 --- wontfix
firefox90 --- fixed
firefox91 --- fixed


(Reporter: cgeorgiu, Assigned: tgiles)


(Keywords: regression)


(1 file)

Attached image form autofill issue.gif

Affected versions

  • Nightly 90.0a1
  • Beta 89.0b11

Affected platforms

  • Win 10 x64
  • macOS 10.15
  • Ubuntu 16.04 x86


  • To activate the Form Autofill feature on a Beta build, go to about:config, search for the "extensions.formautofill.available" pref and modify it from "detect" to "on".
  • "" set to US.
  • Go to browser Options, Privacy and Security section, Forms & Autofill section, click the "Saved Addresses..." button and add 1 or 2 address forms.
  • Make sure that both Firefox Profiles have autofill enabled and Addresses checked in sync options.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open 2 FF profiles or two Firefox browsers on different machines (Fx1 and Fx2) and set up the same sync account on both of them.
  2. In FF 1 Open the about:preferences#privacy and save a complete profile, afterwards press Sync now from hamburger menu (top option).
  3. In FF 2, press Sync now from hamburger menu (top option).

Expected result

  • The form autofill address is synced between the two profiles.

Actual result

  • The form autofill address in not synced on the 2nd account.

Suggested Severity

  • S2, since this will affected users on US, which will not have their addresses synced.

Regression range

  • I cannot reproduce this on Firefox 88.0.1. I'll investigate more in order to find a regression range.

Additional notes

  • Please see the attached screencast with the issue.
Has Regression Range: --- → no
Has STR: --- → yes
QA Whiteboard: [qa-regression-triage]

Jim, this is marked as an S2, can we get somebody to investigate this issue and see if we can have an upliftable fix in out last betas this week? Thanks

Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)

Hello! I have searched for a regression range and I found the following:

Hope this helps!

Thanks Giorgia!

Eugen, it seems that the refactoring work you did in bug 1691821 may have caused this regression in 89, could you please look at it and see if we can get a fix uplifted to beta? Thanks

Flags: needinfo?(esawin)

Given where we are in the cycle (last beta shipping tomorrow) and the fact that we don't have a patch yet, I am marking this bug as fix-optional for 89 as I would probably evaluate a fix as a ride-along patch in a dot release.

(In reply to Pascal Chevrel:pascalc from comment #3)

Thanks Giorgia!

Eugen, it seems that the refactoring work you did in bug 1691821 may have caused this regression in 89, could you please look at it and see if we can get a fix uplifted to beta? Thanks

Eugen left mozilla. This is currently owned by the Fx front end team. NI'ing the current owner.

My suggestion if it's possible would be to back out the changes Eugen landed before he left. I think those we're mostly shifting code around vs. adding new functionality.

Ethan, this is a pretty bad bug that cropped up in some refactoring work the mobile team did recently.

Flags: needinfo?(jmathies) → needinfo?(ettseng)
Assignee: nobody → tgiles
Priority: -- → P2

I'm going to take a look at this and see what was missed when Eugen's patch landed. I'd prefer we don't back our Eugen's patch as bug 1703977 is dependent on Eugen's patch.

Ethan, feel free to adjust priority accordingly.

I believe that bug 1713089 may have fixed this issue. I'm not able to reproduce in the latest Nightly (91.0a1)? I'm also not able to reproduce in Beta 90.0b12.

I can also confirm that the issue is not reproducing anymore on latest Nightly 91.0a1 under macOS 11.4.

Thanks all.

Closed: 3 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(ettseng)
Flags: needinfo?(esawin)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

(In reply to Tim Giles [:tgiles] from comment #7)

I believe that bug 1713089 may have fixed this issue. I'm not able to reproduce in the latest Nightly (91.0a1)? I'm also not able to reproduce in Beta 90.0b12.

Tgiles, thank you for looking into the issue quickly! Glad to know it's been fixed. :)

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