Open Bug 1633325 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Netmonitor - add horizontal scrollbar to the Search/Blocking section


(DevTools :: Netmonitor, enhancement, P3)



(firefox75 affected, firefox76 affected, firefox77 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox75 --- affected
firefox76 --- affected
firefox77 --- affected


(Reporter: cfogel, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Affected versions

  • 75.0b7, 77.0a1 (2020-04-22), 75.0;

Affected platforms

  • all

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Firefox, enable DevTools, select the Network tab, dock devtools to right;
  2. Access any webpage;
  3. Click on the Search/Blocking button to enable the left-section;
  4. Resize the browser/netmonitor so that the section would no longer be contained;

Enhancement Suggestion

  • add a scroll-bar at the bottom of the Search/Blocking sections ;
  • under a certain resize setup reaching the collapse button might be a bit difficult;

Actual result

  • navigation from one sub-tab to the other / access to the collapse-section button is a bit difficult;

Regression range

  • not a regression;

Additional notes

  • attached a recording to better illustrate the area;
  • near the end of the recording one can see the Debugger tab and how scrolling in the section makes it more convenient so see the content;
  • reason why I mark this as minor, is that at first it might be something that might not be needed, as buttons to reach/toggle the sections are already displayed on the menu;
  • the key aspect for this enhancement is the tab-keyboard navigation since it's a bit hard to reach the collapse section button, so it would boil down to UX preferences/requests.

Thanks for reporting!

Priority: -- → P3
Severity: minor → S4
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