Open Bug 1557731 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

After updating Firefox does not remain pinned to the taskbar after restarting


(Firefox :: Installer, defect, P3)

68 Branch
Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox68 --- affected


(Reporter: dcicas, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regressionwindow-wanted)


  • This issue is particular for the ARM64 build.

Affected versions

  • Fx 68.0b8

Affected platforms

  • ARM64 Windows 10

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install an old version Firefox.
  2. Launch Firefox.
  3. Pin Firefox to taskbar.
  4. Update to the latest version of Firefox.
  5. Restart your machine.
    5.1 If after restarting your machine, Firefox is opened automatically, close it.

Expected result

  • Firefox is still pinned to the taskbar.

Actual result

  • Firefox is no longer pinned to the taskbar.

Regression range

  • Will return with a regression window as soon as possible.

Additional notes

  • This issue is particular for the ARM64 build.

(In reply to Daniel Cicas [:dcicas], Release QA from comment #0)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install an old version Firefox.
  2. Launch Firefox.
  3. Pin Firefox to taskbar.
  4. Restart your machine.
    4.1 If after restarting your machine Firefox is opened automatically, close it.

Are there steps missing here? The summary talks about updates - at what point in this sequence does the update occur? Does this problem reproduce without restarting the machine?

Flags: needinfo?(daniel.cicas)


I apologies for this misunderstanding I forgot to add the update step. I edited my original comment so that the STR are good now.

Firefox stays pinned to the taskbar if you don't restart your machine.

Flags: needinfo?(daniel.cicas)

Given this is related to updating, I think the updater folks will have a better idea about why this might be than I do.

Component: File Handling → Application Update
Product: Firefox → Toolkit

Likely a duplicate of bug 1495295

Component: Application Update → Installer
Product: Toolkit → Firefox

Can't seem to reproduce this on my ARM64 machine.

To clarify, the pinned icon disappears during the reboot? As in, it's pinned prior to the reboot and then it isn't anymore after the reboot? Does whether or not Firefox is running at the time of the reboot make a difference?

Flags: needinfo?(daniel.cicas)


So I investigated the issue further because of this bug and Bug 1557747 and I think i found what was causing it. On step 3 "Pin Firefox to taskbar" i used the pin feature on firefox.exe not on the desktop shortcut (and that causes some problems in Bug 1557747). Could that be the problem? Please see Bug 1557747 as there is a more detail explanation about what happens when I pin firefox.exe to the taskbar from someone more knowledgeable.

Flags: needinfo?(daniel.cicas) → needinfo?(mhowell)

Thanks for that info, that's definitely a relevant factor, and I agree that it means bug 1557747 is probably related. In fact this could be another version of the same problem that's causing that bug; they both seem like they could be caused by missing/mismatched app ID's. We should find some way to handle that situation properly if it's possible to do so, though.

Flags: needinfo?(mhowell)
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
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