Open Bug 1557688 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

RDM expanding past viewport and reverting to a smaller scale does not follow mouse properly


(DevTools :: Responsive Design Mode, defect, P3)



(firefox-esr60 wontfix, firefox-esr68 wontfix, firefox67 wontfix, firefox67.0.1 wontfix, firefox68 wontfix, firefox69 wontfix, firefox70 wontfix)

Tracking Status
firefox-esr60 --- wontfix
firefox-esr68 --- wontfix
firefox67 --- wontfix
firefox67.0.1 --- wontfix
firefox68 --- wontfix
firefox69 --- wontfix
firefox70 --- wontfix


(Reporter: cfogel, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: [rdm-reserve])


(1 file)

Affected versions

  • 67.0.2, 68.0b7, 69.0a1 (2019-06-03)

Affected platforms

  • Windows 10, macOS 10.11, Ubuntu 18.04;

Steps to reproduce

  1. Launch Firefox, access any webpage;
  2. Enable DevTools and enable RDM;
  3. Grab the view-port and resize it so it expands past the available area;
  4. Release the mouse cursor;
  5. Grab the resize icon and resize to the initial width.

Expected result

  • The resize action follows the mouse;

Actual result

  • The resize action appears to be triggered with a delay, the mouse cursor jumping and not remaining in the same position as the resize icon;

Regression range

  • does not appear to be a regression, reproducing the issue with 45.3.0esr and other older versions as well;

Additional notes

  • attached recording with the issue;

Thanks for finding and posting this.

Priority: -- → P3
Whiteboard: [rdm-reserve]
Severity: minor → S4
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