Open Bug 1554114 Opened 5 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Disable the close button in the stub during the installing phase


(Firefox :: Installer, defect, P3)




Tracking Status
firefox68 --- affected
firefox69 --- affected


(Reporter: vlucaci, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Affected versions

  • 69.0a1(2018/05/23)
  • 68.0b4
  • 66.0a1(2018/12/31)

Affected platforms

  • Windows 10x64
  • Windows 7x64
  • Windows 8.1x64

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install FF via installer.
  2. Let the progress bar reach around 60-70%.
  3. Click on the X button from the installer.

Regression range

  • Will return with regression ASAP.

Expected result

  • The progress of the installation is paused, the cancel confirmation prompt is displayed alongside with its audio notification correspondent.

Actual result

  • The progress of the installation continues, the audio notification is triggered, the confirmation prompt is not displayed.

Additional notes

  • The moment in which the user clicks X to cancel the installation , the cancel confirmation prompt must be displayed and progress paused regardless of the position of the progress bar.

This behavior is unfortunate, but intended. The first 60% of the progress bar is the download of the full installer, and that can be stopped at any time. But after we start actually running the full installer, there's no way to stop it without leaving the system in some inconsistent state, because it isn't capable of rolling back whatever actions it's already taken. So all we can really do is disable cancelling the installation from that point.

Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Has Regression Range: --- → no

Hello Matt,

As you stated, this behavior is very unfortunate.
As a (normal) user, I expect that whenever I want to cancel the installation process by clicking X , then the process will be terminated, or paused at the very least.

I agree with the suggestion about removing the possibility of cancelling the installation from that point. Maybe removing the possibility to interact with the X button entirely (making it grayed out after that point, but in this case I would suggest to inform the user in a small message in the UI).

Should I open a different issue for this*(or maybe an enhancement ticket)?

Has Regression Range: no → ---
Flags: needinfo?(mhowell)
Has Regression Range: --- → no
Has STR: --- → yes

That's a good idea, there might be something we can do to gray out the close button. It won't be a high priority, but it's worth considering when we get a chance.

Flags: needinfo?(mhowell)
Priority: -- → P3
Resolution: WONTFIX → ---
Summary: Installation is not stopped if clicking X after the progress bar has passed the halfway point → Disable the close button in the stub during the installing phase
Severity: normal → S3
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