Closed Bug 1392855 Opened 8 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Create new page for Cliqz funnelcake experiment


( :: Pages & Content, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: erenaud, Assigned: agibson)




(5 files, 1 obsolete file)

Assignee: nobody → jon
Attached file (obsolete) —
Full-fidelity HTML mockups (for reference only - already converted into jinja templates in the branch)
Assignee: jon → agibson
Latest email update from Javaun: Our new allotment of Funnelcake branches (there are 4): - Control 1 (Firefox, 2 search bars) - 119 - Control 2 (Firefox: unified search/awesome Bar ) -120 - Firefox + Cliqz with Google search suggestions - 121 - Firefox+ Cliqz without search suggestions - 122 Suggested Changes to First Run Page 1. I recommend we just use the pure Firefox branding and drop the Firefox+Cliqz variation as we've done in v2 test. - It's going to greatly simplify things, but mostly - Prior evidence is that it's going to be widely rejected by users on the Fx Downloads page, since it's a foreign brand (and therefore will impact trust) 2. We'll need to change the inline screenshot (remove the second pane that has the privacy panel). And change/remove the text that goes with it. 3. I think we should consider another first-run page for the control 2 (unified Firefox). The would be almost identical to the page we use for the experimental branches (Fx+Cliqz), the only change is that we use a screenshot of Firefox showing search suggestions in the Awesome Bar. The purpose of the Control 2 (unified) is that we know users hate change. Users may dislike Fx+Cliqz simply because it's different, or because the bar is unified (vs 2 separate bars). It takes users time to adjust. So by having a Control with unified bar, that is a more fair comparison, and we can see how Fx+Cliqz performs against the 2 bar experience, but also a unified Stock Firefox experience. And so the purpose of another First Run is to control for the fact that Cliqz users also see a first run experience. SUMMARIZED CHANGES First run for Fx+Cliqz experimental branches - No Cliqz logo - Change screenshot to remove privacy panel - Change/remove language around the privacy panel (data remains on your computer) Optional: First run for Control 2 (unified Stock Firefox) - Same as above - Different screenshot that just shows Awesome Bar with search suggestions, but no Cliqz search recommendations
Attachment #8910811 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file
Latest html mockups
Funnelcake variations: 119 (control 1 Firefox, 2 search bars): no custom firstrun—use Fx default 120 (control 2 Firefox: unified search/awesome Bar): funnel-cake-firefox.html 121 (Firefox + Cliqz with Google search suggestions): funnel-cake-cliqz.html 122 (Firefox+ Cliqz without search suggestions): funnel-cake-cliqz.html
Attached file
The above attachment contains the latest HTML mockups.
Thanks, Alex! I noticed that for the `cliqz-template` (121 and 122), the text in the right box below the screenshot has not yet been updated. It still reads "Mehr Privatsphäre\n Schutz für Deine persönlichen Daten", but it should read "Direkte Antworten\n Nützliche Infos in Echtzeit".
(In reply to dominik.s from comment #11) > Thanks, Alex! > > I noticed that for the `cliqz-template` (121 and 122), the text in the right > box below the screenshot has not yet been updated. > > It still reads "Mehr Privatsphäre\n Schutz für Deine persönlichen Daten", > but it should read "Direkte Antworten\n Nützliche Infos in Echtzeit". Thanks, will update
Thanks! Looking at (the Cliqz privacy policy) the 3rd "learn more" ("mehr erfahren") link seems not quite right. It reads "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung Mehr erfahren von Cliqz. Wenn das Cliqz-Feature aktiviert ist, gilt Folgendes:". I'd expect: "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung von Cliqz. Mehr erfahren" Then, after clicking on "Mehr erfahren" the following text should appear (together with the rest): "Wenn das Cliqz-Feature aktiviert ist, gilt Folgendes:" [...]
(In reply to dominik.s from comment #14) > Thanks! > > Looking at > > (the Cliqz privacy policy) the 3rd "learn more" ("mehr erfahren") link seems > not quite right. > > It reads "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung Mehr > erfahren von Cliqz. Wenn das Cliqz-Feature aktiviert ist, gilt Folgendes:". > > I'd expect: "Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung > von Cliqz. Mehr erfahren" > > Then, after clicking on "Mehr erfahren" the following text should appear > (together with the rest): "Wenn das Cliqz-Feature aktiviert ist, gilt > Folgendes:" [...] Please file an issue on the legal-docs repo for this:
Sure: Looking at the, I don't under stand how and where the collapsing of content is implemented. Does not seem to happen in this file, but maybe I am missing something. Thanks!
(In reply to dominik.s from comment #16) > Sure: > > Looking at the > > cliqz_privacy_notice/, I don't under stand how and where the collapsing > of content is implemented. Does not seem to happen in this file, but maybe I > am missing something. > > Thanks! Mozorg consumes the markdown content and parses it to create HTML and the collapsable content. If something isn't right, it's probably an issue in the markdown itself.
Ok, from my side this is very nearly ready - but what we are still lacking is a solid test plan (i.e. what percentage of users this should go out to). We also need to verify that the funnelcake builds are all ready.
(In reply to Alex Gibson [:agibson] from comment #10) I just saw that the headline on the firefox (120) and cliqz templates (121 & 122) was not updated. Sorry, I missed that before. Instead of "Schneller und sicherer surfen!" it should be "Schneller surfen und suchen!" (same on both templates). I should have caught that before, but just saw it now.
(In reply to dominik.s from comment #20) > (In reply to Alex Gibson [:agibson] from comment #10) > I just saw that the headline on the firefox (120) and cliqz templates (121 & > 122) was not updated. Sorry, I missed that before. > > Instead of "Schneller und sicherer surfen!" it should be "Schneller surfen > und suchen!" (same on both templates). > > I should have caught that before, but just saw it now. Ah, my bad. Will update thanks
Ok, code-wise this should now be complete. We're going to proceed with code review, but while that happens it would be great if someone can confirm the following: Are the /firstrun templates are all correct: (default) (firefox template) (cliqz template) (cliqz template) Are the download pages correct, and are the funnelcake builds ready and being distributed when clicking the download buttons (note funnelcakes are Windows only): (cliqz privacy policy) (cliqz privacy policy) Once code review has been completed, we can then push this to staging and enable the experiment. There we'll need to try and verify that the geo-targeting is working as expected and everything is in place before moving to production.
Thanks, Alex! The firstrun pages look good to me. Just one thing: in the right box stays empty (white)—but I assume this is going to be filled when loaded at startup in Firefox, right? The download pages look good, too. The Mozilla + Cliqz privacy policy still has the issue raised in If I understand correctly, though, this will be updated this week according to Javaun. I don't have more information on the state of the funnelcake builds at the moment.
> Just one thing: in the right box stays empty (white)—but I assume this is going to be filled when loaded at startup in Firefox, right? Right, you need a specially configured Firefox profile to test the accounts form on a demo enviuronment. I don't think we need to worry about testing that here, since the bug doesn't touch the control page itself. We can verify this at deploy time. > The Mozilla + Cliqz privacy policy still has the issue raised in If I understand correctly, though, this will be updated this week according to Javaun. I believe that's the plan, yes. Thanks
Sorry, one more thing: On, the image does not seem to be centered with the title, text and the call-to-action button: the image seems to be too far right. I'll attach a screenshot to this ticket for reference.
(In reply to dominik.s from comment #25) > Sorry, one more thing: > On > > ?f=120, the image does not seem to be centered with the title, text and the > call-to-action button: the image seems to be too far right. > > I'll attach a screenshot to this ticket for reference. Thanks, will fix
Thanks a lot! This issue might also be present in 121 and 121 (cliqz template), but it's less obvious there since the image is not rectangular.
(In reply to dominik.s from comment #28) > Thanks a lot! > > This issue might also be present in 121 and 121 (cliqz template), but it's > less obvious there since the image is not rectangular. Yup, the fix I've applied should apply to all variations. It's deploying to demo now, so should be updated in the next ~20 mins
Thank you Alex and Dominik for finalizing this! The privacy notice will be translated and updated by Friday I expect. Re: timeline - final update (I hope) We plan to roll out the funnelcake on Monday 10/9. The legal blog post by Denelle is expected to be out Friday.
Commits pushed to master at WIP [fix bug 1392855] Add Cliqz funnelcake experiment. [bug 1392855] Update Cliqz firstrun designs Merge pull request #5154 from mozilla/bug-1392855-cliqz-funnelcake-experiment Bug 1392855 cliqz funnelcake experiment
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Commits pushed to master at [bug 1392855] Enable Cliqz funnelcake experiment on stage Merge pull request #43 from alexgibson/cliqz-funnelcake-experiment [bug 1392855] Enable Cliqz funnelcake experiment on stage
Reopening this while we test / verify on stage
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Commits pushed to master at [bug 1392855] Add firstrun lang file to Cliqz funnelcake experiment pages Merge pull request #5184 from alexgibson/bug-1392855-fix-cliqz-lang-file [bug 1392855] Add firstrun lang file to Cliqz funnelcake experiment pages
Ok, things to test on staging: 1.) Verify that all /new funnelcake URLs are working correctly, and giving the appropriate funnelcake build upon download on Windows: (cliqz privacy policy) (cliqz privacy policy) 2.) Verify that /firstrun funnelcake pages look correct: (control) (firefox template) (cliqz template) (cliqz template) 3.) Someone geo-located in Germany needs to hit the folowing URL and verify they are entered (redirected) into one of the 4 funnelcakes above. They need to use a non Firefox browser on Windows. Make sure do-not-track is not enabled: Once all this has been verified, we can enable the test in production on Monday
See Also: → 1406647
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Commits pushed to master at [bug 1392855] Enable Cliqz funnelcake experiment on prod. Merge pull request #47 from jpetto/bug-1392855-cliqz-funnelcake-experiment-prod [bug 1392855] Enable Cliqz funnelcake experiment on prod.
Commits pushed to master at [fix bug 1392855] Remove Cliqz funnelcake config Merge pull request #70 from jpetto/bug-1392855-remove-cliqz-funnelcake-config [fix bug 1392855] Remove Cliqz funnelcake config
Closed: 7 years ago7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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