Closed Bug 1383032 Opened 7 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Intermittent TestDirectUpdate.test_update | JavascriptException: ReferenceError: log is not defined


(Mozilla QA Graveyard :: Infrastructure, defect)

Version 3
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: bmaris [at]

This failure started in Fx 55.0b11 and was encountered on multiple locales.
Nothing should have changed on beta. Make sure to check the machines that there are no other still open Firefox processes remaining.
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) [away 07/19 - 07/31] from comment #1)
> Nothing should have changed on beta. Make sure to check the machines that
> there are no other still open Firefox processes remaining.

Turns out you are right - no surprise :). While running the tests on beta-cdntest today for 55b13, there were 4 Windows machines which had Nightly still open (though there were no running jobs for Nightly). Update tests on all 4 machines failed with this error, while tests on the other machines passed with no problem. Sure enough, after manually closing the open Nightly window on all machines, then all tests passed on those machines.
(In reply to Florin Mezei, QA (:FlorinMezei) from comment #5)
> Turns out you are right - no surprise :). While running the tests on
> beta-cdntest today for 55b13, there were 4 Windows machines which had
> Nightly still open (though there were no running jobs for Nightly). Update
> tests on all 4 machines failed with this error, while tests on the other
> machines passed with no problem. Sure enough, after manually closing the
> open Nightly window on all machines, then all tests passed on those machines.

Good to know that this was the reason. Bad, that we are that late with those checks and cannot check anymore in Jenkins what caused the Nighly builds to stay open. 

I'm closing this bug as fixed, but feel free to reopen or file a new one if it happens again.
Closed: 7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Firefox UI Tests → Infrastructure
Product: Testing → Mozilla QA
(In reply to OrangeFactor Robot from comment #11)
> 46 failures in 885 pushes (0.052 failures/push) were associated with this
> bug in the last 7 days. 

I don't know why more and more failures are starred for this but no-one fixes it as described earlier. Florin please make sure that people are aware of what's going on here. Thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(florin.mezei)
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) from comment #12)
> I don't know why more and more failures are starred for this but no-one
> fixes it as described earlier. Florin please make sure that people are aware
> of what's going on here. Thanks.

This was seen on OS X with two RC builds - and from what I see it was starred on beta-cdntest and release-cdntest. However I remember that it wasn't the same issue as Windows, as there were no open Firefox instances on the machines. We've worked around those by running the jobs with a different test package.

I don't think we'll encounter this again since OS X tests are currently blocked on Fx 57 by bug 1398741. If the bug gets fixed, and we encounter this again, I'll instruct people to file a new bug for OS X.
Flags: needinfo?(florin.mezei)
Product: Mozilla QA → Mozilla QA Graveyard
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