Closed Bug 1229198 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

When saving a buglist from a saved search as a CSV file, set the filename to <saved-query-name>.csv


( :: Search, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: emceeaich, Assigned: glob)


When saving a buglist as a CSV file, use the csv extension and the name of the saved search (if used) so that the user doesn't have to rename the file in order to import it to Google Sheets, etc.
Upstream Bugzilla correctly sets the extension to .csv, and the filename is always of the form bugs-YYYY-MM-DD.csv. So the only remaining part is to use the name of the saved search as the filename (which can be problematic if the saved search contains illegal characters for a filename).
Summary: When saving a bug list as a csv file, set the name of the downloadable file as buglist.csv or [saved-query-name].csv → When saving a buglist from a saved search as a CSV file, set the filename to <saved-query-name>.csv
Version: unspecified → 4.2.15
(In reply to Frédéric Buclin from comment #1)
> Upstream Bugzilla correctly sets the extension to .csv, and the filename is
> always of the form bugs-YYYY-MM-DD.csv. So the only remaining part is to use
> the name of the saved search as the filename (which can be problematic if
> the saved search contains illegal characters for a filename).

For the latter, extracting a filesystem safe name from a string is probably a problem solved somewhere in CPAN. For the former, it sounds like there changes that need to be accepted to production BMO?
(In reply to Emma Humphries [:emceeaich] (GMT-8) from comment #2)
> For the former, it sounds like there changes that need to be accepted to production BMO?

Bugzilla always formatted the filename correctly, even in 2.20 (the oldest installation I tested with). So this is a regression in BMO, not a fix which needs to be backported.
moving to bmo; upstream doesn't have this problem.

looks like bug 894878 brought in the right changes, but bug 1041559 reverted some of those, resulting in a missing disposition.
Assignee: query-and-buglist → glob
Component: Query/Bug List → Search
Product: Bugzilla →
QA Contact: default-qa
Version: 4.2.15 → Production
adds code missing from backport:

To ssh://
   7bf9ad7..944f4c7  master -> master
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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