Closed Bug 1196508 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Intern Request Metric Dashboard


( :: Extensions, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: rberenbaum, Assigned: dkl)



(2 files)


Intern headcount request by Hiring Managers is now run through bugzilla, similar to the headcount request bugzilla form for Industry Recruiting. 

We need a custom report to live under the "reports" tab on Bugzilla to see what has been requested and the status of each intern request, similar to the report that was created for Industry Recruiting (see bug for that report request below): 
I've also attached a screenshot.

The Intern Recruiting request form we need to have the report created from is here:

The fields we need to populate from the bug into the report are:
Status/Hiring Manager/VP/Product Line/Business Need/name
(Jill and Michelle- please add more if needed as comments on this bug).

If possible, we need the report completed by 8/28.

I've CC'd Jill Alvarez who will be the owner of the Report, and Michelle Marovich, head of Recruiting to provide feedback on iterations of the report.

Thanks for your help!
most of this looks reasonably straight forward.

> If possible, we need the report completed by 28th August.

in order to deliver that we'd have to have it ready early next week, which unfortunately is not possible due to other work we've already committed to.

the first week of september is more likely; does that time frame work for you?
Deferring to Jill & Michelle- thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(mmarovich)
Flags: needinfo?(jalvarez)
Hey Byron-- Can you put a date on that first week of September?  We are thinking of extending the application process by a week, so that *could* work.  Just need to know specifically what I'm agreeing to. 

Flags: needinfo?(mmarovich)
Flags: needinfo?(jalvarez)
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
we're looking at dev work mid/late next week, and deployment on the 1st or the 2nd of september.
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
OK, as long as it's not later than September 3rd, we can flex around that timeframe.  Thanks!
hey Byron, 

I just wanted to check in and make sure that this is still on track?  Please let me know if you need anything from me?
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
Hi. Sorry for lack of communication on this. I will try to have something up for your review by mid-day today.

Assignee: nobody → dkl
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
I have put the new report on our test instance for your feedback and testing.

To ssh://
   70e5dc0..189ef90  development -> development

Please go to and click on "Internship Dashboard" to see the report.

You may need to create some test Internship requests to see any useful data in the report. Also I found a bug in the Internship form which may cause some columns to be blank in the dashboard report for old requests.

Flags: needinfo?(rberenbaum)
Hey David, 

I can't seem to get into the test instance.  I'm logged into Bugzilla and have been in it all day, but the test instance keeps denying my user name and password.  :(
Flags: needinfo?(rberenbaum) → needinfo?(dkl)
(In reply to Michelle Marovich from comment #9)
> Hey David, 
> I can't seem to get into the test instance.  I'm logged into Bugzilla and
> have been in it all day, but the test instance keeps denying my user name
> and password.  :(

Sorry for the trouble. The test instance has the passwords stripped when it is imported from the production database so people have to have an admin reset it for them. I have emailed you a password that should allow you to get in.

Flags: needinfo?(dkl) → needinfo?(mmarovich)
OK, I took a look at the test instance. and it looks great, except it seems like the bug you found in the form is keeping all the previous submissions from being populated.  

if that is the case, that is what we need to have on the report.  If we can't get the data from the last 3-4 weeks, then there is no point in you working on this further.
Flags: needinfo?(mmarovich) → needinfo?(dkl)
(In reply to Michelle Marovich from comment #11)
> OK, I took a look at the test instance. and it looks great, except it seems
> like the bug you found in the form is keeping all the previous submissions
> from being populated.  
> if that is the case, that is what we need to have on the report.  If we
> can't get the data from the last 3-4 weeks, then there is no point in you
> working on this further.

This is because there are only 2 test Intern Requests in our test database. When this form is live
there will be substantially more entries showing up in the list.

The bug that I fixed is that the currently the Product Line and Onsite Mentorship values were not properly displayed in the bug's first comment. So even though the old intern requests will display in the dashboard, the product line column may be empty except for new requests.

Flags: needinfo?(dkl) → needinfo?(mmarovich)
ah!  do the values for the VP Authority display?  if so, we should be good for Product line.  

We can probably do the onsite mentorship by hand if we have to, though I'm a little sad panda about it.  Oh well, live and learn.
Flags: needinfo?(mmarovich)
Sorry about that Michelle; I'm not sure how that got through our testing.
(In reply to Michelle Marovich from comment #13)
> ah!  do the values for the VP Authority display?  if so, we should be good
> for Product line.  
> We can probably do the onsite mentorship by hand if we have to, though I'm a
> little sad panda about it.  Oh well, live and learn.

Yeah I do apologize as I pushed that form myself. We do our best to test the form in various scenarios and also to have the requester to look it over and take it through the entire process to make sure it looks good as well. 

So should we go ahead and get the new dashboard as well as the fixes pushed out asap?

Flags: needinfo?(mmarovich)
Given that the deadline for intern requests is today, looks like the damage has been done with respect to the missing data.  It sounds like Michelle is okay with the dashboard, so I would put that patch up for review and see if glob wants to r+ & deploy it tonight.  Otherwise it'll have to wait until next week.
Oh please not next week.  I'll take what I can get.
Flags: needinfo?(mmarovich)
Attached patch 1196508_1.patchSplinter Review
Attachment #8656371 - Flags: review?(glob)
Comment on attachment 8656371 [details] [diff] [review]

Review of attachment 8656371 [details] [diff] [review]:

Attachment #8656371 - Flags: review?(glob) → review+
To ssh://
   3cc9c73..a6c5ec6  master -> master
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Thanks everyone for the team effort here!

We ended up with 104 intern requests, and are now working through getting them reviewed and approved.  

Your help with this report was instrumental with that.
Component: Extensions: Other → Extensions
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