Closed Bug 1194046 Opened 9 years ago Closed 9 years ago

In Firefox 42 and Nightly build releases the enable multiprocessing mode related check box block caret navigation accessibility for Orca screen reader


(Firefox :: Disability Access, defect)

40 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: hammera, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0
Build ID: 20150807094952

Steps to reproduce:

1. Simple download Firefox 42.x release or the 43.0a1 nightly build release.
2. Launch Orca screen reader in GNOME environment the SUPER+ALT+S keystroke, or after ALT+F2 keypress simple the orca command.
3. Launch default enabled multiprocessing support capable Firefox version, and open a webpage. An example website is following:
4. Try browsing up or down arrow keys the webpage content, test normal caret navigation operations. Jump between heading levels with h or SHIFT+H keystrokes, etc.

Actual results:

Caret navigation is not possible using for Orca screen reader if in preferences menu the enable multiprocessing related check box is checked in general tab.
when I using normal caret navigation operations, Orca screen reader not reading any highlighted content.
If I try jumping h and SHIFT+H keystrokes between heading levels, Orca screen reader nothing announce.
If I unchecking the multiprocessing related check box in Firefox preferences dialog/general page, everithing works right, similar with oldest Firefox releases (for example the new stable Firefox 40.0 version.

Expected results:

If this multiprocessing feature related check box is checked, accessibility support need working equals good when the multiprocessing related check box is unchecked.
Until accessibility support is not implemented when enabled this new feature, please not turn on this feature default with future Firefox 42.x and later releases.
Component: Untriaged → Disability Access
Hardware: Unspecified → All
Accessibility support for multi-process Firefox isn't ready yet and not officially supported. It is expected that things don't work yet.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
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