Closed Bug 1178040 Opened 9 years ago Closed 8 years ago

Email address change is very difficult to find


( :: Extensions, defect, P5)






(Reporter: toni, Assigned: seban, Mentored)


(Whiteboard: [good first bug])


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.130 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

There's no option to change my email address anywhere in

Expected results:

Please instruct how to change the email address, or enable the self-service change if it's disabled by accident.
After clicking everything in the UI randomly, I figured out user needs to do:
 1) User Profile
 2) click (change) name

Then the next dialog allows changing email address.

Suggestion: move the #2 "change name" link to under the email address and relabel it as "Edit user profile"
Summary: Can't change my email address → Email address change is very difficult to find
Mentor: dylan
Ever confirmed: true
Priority: -- → P5
Whiteboard: [good first bug]
Hi Dylan,

I would like to take up this bug. Can you please instruct on how to go about making changes for bugzilla?
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
Hi! This would be a change for BMO (as opposed to vanilla bugzilla). The only difficulty here is that getting
a working BMO dev env is a little more complicated than upstream (although this will be changing :-)

For running a copy locally and being able to make changes, I'd recommend following

As for the process of submitting changes, we're beginning to experiment with github pull requests.
So you can fork, commit some stuff and create a pull request like any
normal github project. We ask that the pull request summary include this Bug id, in the form of 'Bug 1178040'.

I can also tell where to start:

The user profile content is
Moving or adding "change email" next to the email field will probably help.

Maybe the place where the email address is in the top right corner should have a link to the pref page where you can change the email? That template is

Now, if the problem we want to solve is that is confusing (as it groups together the password and the email address change things together, and it isn't clear that you can just change one and not the other), that would be a new bug in the vanilla Bugzilla project.

I'm :dylan in the #bmo channel if you run into any other questions.
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
Attached file Added "change email" (obsolete) —
I have added a change email next to the email field. IMO it would be better to have a button like "Show" for "Edit Profile". Also the "Preferences" in the header file can be renamed to something like "Edit Profile and Preferences" for better understanding.
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
Attachment #8767559 - Flags: review?(dylan)
Assignee: nobody → sebastinssanty
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
Comment on attachment 8767559 [details] [review]
Added "change email"

Attachment #8767559 - Flags: review?(dylan) → review+
(In reply to Sebastin Santy [:seban] from comment #4)
> Created attachment 8767559 [details] [review]
> Added "change email"
> I have added a change email next to the email field. IMO it would be better
> to have a button like "Show" for "Edit Profile". Also the "Preferences" in
> the header file can be renamed to something like "Edit Profile and
> Preferences" for better understanding.

Sure! give that a try too.
would you like to work on the more complex changes in a new bug? that way I'll commit this simple change and you can resolve this bug?
Flags: needinfo?(sebastinssanty)
(In reply to Dylan William Hardison [:dylan] from comment #7)
> would you like to work on the more complex changes in a new bug? that way
> I'll commit this simple change and you can resolve this bug?

I would be happy to work for the new bug.

(In reply to Dylan William Hardison [:dylan] from comment #6)
> (In reply to Sebastin Santy [:seban] from comment #4)
> > Created attachment 8767559 [details] [review]
> > Added "change email"
> > 
> > I have added a change email next to the email field. IMO it would be better
> > to have a button like "Show" for "Edit Profile". Also the "Preferences" in
> > the header file can be renamed to something like "Edit Profile and
> > Preferences" for better understanding.
> Sure! give that a try too.

I'll make these changes and then try to squash the pull request commits. But for that, I am still in the process of setting up bugzilla locally (as I would need to look into the placement of the button).
Flags: needinfo?(sebastinssanty) → needinfo?(dylan)
Flags: needinfo?(dylan)
Attachment #8767559 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #8768678 - Flags: review?(dylan)
Comment on attachment 8768678 [details] [review]
Edit Profile and Preferences Tabs added

I think this is a good path -- should be about done after you make a few changes (listed in pull request)
Attachment #8768678 - Flags: review?(dylan) → review-
Attachment #8768678 - Flags: review?(dylan)
Comment on attachment 8768678 [details] [review]
Edit Profile and Preferences Tabs added

Attachment #8768678 - Flags: review?(dylan)
Attachment #8768678 - Flags: review-
Attachment #8768678 - Flags: review+
I fixed a small nit with the offset of the button when not-logged-in that I didn't notice earlier.

   bbe5dcd..a446cca  master -> master
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Still not seeing any way to update my email address.
Component: Extensions: UserProfile → Extensions
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


