Closed Bug 1117246 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

X-Bugzilla- headers included in bugmail message-body aren't grayed out in review/needinfo request emails, in Thunderbird, due to lack of a space after "--" separator


( :: General, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: dholbert, Assigned: glob)



(3 files)

 1. Enable "Include X-Bugzilla- headers in BugMail body" User Preference as described at

 2. Receive bugmail for a needinfo or review request (or for a flag being "granted" / "canceled" etc.)

 3. View that bugmail, in thunderbird. Compare that bugmail to a some non-request bugmail (for e.g. a bug comment), in plaintext mode.

The bugzilla headers are gray (visually de-emphasized) by Thunderbird, for normal bugmail, but the aren't in request bugmail.

They should be consistently gray.

Not sure what triggers Thunderbird to mark this section of the email as grey. This might be a thunderbird bug. Filing as a bmo bug first, though, since it seems like bmo could be adjusted to send consistent markup.
Assignee: nobody → glob
Component: Bugzilla Tweaks → Extensions: BMO
i thought this was because we weren't adding the "--" line, which is a separator between the message body and the signature.  looks like we are adding that, so i'm not sure what's going on.

moving this to thunderbird because i think we're doing the right thing.  feel free to bounce it back if there's something we can do to address this in our email template (with specifics about the required changes of course!).
Assignee: glob → nobody
Component: Extensions: BMO → Message Reader UI
Product: → Thunderbird
Version: Production → unspecified
Some sample emails attached to the bug would really help here.
Yup, sorry -- meant to do that. I've got two .eml files locally that demonstrate the difference; I'll see if I can isolate the issue and attach a testcase or two.
(In reply to Byron Jones ‹:glob› (limited availability until 19th jan) from comment #1)
> i thought this was because we weren't adding the "--" line, which is a
> separator between the message body and the signature.  looks like we are
> adding that, so i'm not sure what's going on.

Actually, according to , it needs to be two dashes *followed by a space*, followed by a newline.

The problem seems to be that we're lacking that space character.

If I inspect the source of a correctly-grayed-out bugmail (saved as .eml), I see "--=20" (I imagine "=20" is some encoding of a space character.

If I inspect the source of a not-grayed-out bugmail, I just see "--" followed by a newline -- no space, no "=20", nothing.  If I manually add a space, it displays correctly (grayed out).

So I think this is indeed something that needs tweaking in the Bugzilla email template (adding a space after the two dashes.) Changing component back.
Component: Message Reader UI → Extensions: BMO
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
Product: Thunderbird →
Version: unspecified → Production
For demonstration/archival purposes, here's a reduced .eml file that demonstrates the issue (created by saving a bugzilla request email and cutting out most of it).
...and here's the testcase with a space manually added after the "--", which makes it display correctly.
Just for completeness, here's the testcase with "=20" inserted, instead of a space character, as I see in other working bugmail. This also fixes the issue.

(For this to work, I had to also add back "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" header -- which I'd removed when reducing the testcase.)
Summary: X-Bugzilla- headers included in bugmail message-body aren't grayed out in review/needinfo request emails, in Thunderbird → X-Bugzilla- headers included in bugmail message-body aren't grayed out in review/needinfo request emails, in Thunderbird, due to lack of a space after "--" separator
a ha! easy fix then; thanks for finding that.
Assignee: nobody → glob
Component: Extensions: BMO → General
Flags: needinfo?(glob)
To ssh://
   4762c10..c840c16  master -> master
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified fixed. (I'm seeing correctly-grayed-out X-Bugzilla-* headers at the bottom of "review requested" bugmail that I received today.)
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