Closed Bug 1099990 Opened 10 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Version 33.1.1 does not support my screen reader. The text is jaggy. This was not a problem on the previous version. Is there a way to return to the previous version.


(Core :: General, defect)

33 Branch
Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: ldunbar, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0
Build ID: 20141113143407

Steps to reproduce:

This was the problem right at the first. I am using zoomtext. I did not have any problem with the prior version of firefox. I need to use the screen reader since I am legally blind. Can I get a copy of the previous release of firefox? That would fix my problem.  Thank You.

Actual results:

The screen reader can not change the text ot a smooth font as it did in the previous release of Firefos.
David, is there a known issue with zoomtext in 33?

Reporter, you can get copies of all previous versions of Firefox at and in particular you can get 32 for Windows in the US locale at

That said, older versions have known security bugs, so it would really be better to figure out what exactly is going on with zoomtext....
Flags: needinfo?(dbolter)
(In reply to Please do not ask for reviews for a bit [:bz] from comment #1)
> David, is there a known issue with zoomtext in 33?

Unfortunately this is the first time I recall hearing anything about it.

Milan for FF33 on XP was there a change in how text is drawn that might be at play here?

I'll reach out to my ZoomText contact.
Flags: needinfo?(dbolter) → needinfo?(milan)
Current theory is that this is OMTC (off main thread compositing).
This sounds like another fall-out from OMTC loveliness. Setting the pref for this to false might help:

1. Open about:config and accept the warranty warning.
2. Find the pref layers.offmainthreadcomposition.enabled, right-click it and choose "Toggle" to set it to "false".
3. Don't know if this is actually necessary, but I'd restart the browser to be safe.

Does it work again now?
Flags: needinfo?(ldunbar)
ZoomText is confident they can fix this at their end. We should know within 4 weeks.
Any update on this?
Flags: needinfo?(milan)
Larry Dunbar here
I was able to find an old bersion of firefox. But not the most recent old one. But at least my Zoontext will work now. Is there any progress on a fix with firefox tor working with zoomtext?
The latest version of Zoomtext does not run on windows xp. I don't think that I can expect a fix from Zoomtext. Can I believe that fidrefox is not going to do any thing to resolve the problem?

Thanks for your reply.
Severity: normal → critical
Flags: needinfo?(ldunbar)
(In reply to Milan Sreckovic [:milan] from comment #6)
> Any update on this?

Flags: needinfo?(dbolter)
My contact will update me in a week. (The developer is still on holiday)
Flags: needinfo?(dbolter)

Hey David,
Is this issue still reproducible or can it be closed?

Flags: needinfo?(dbolter)

Marking this as Resolved > Incomplete due to the lack of info.
If anyone is able to reproduce this issue re-open it or file a new bug.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Flags: needinfo?(dbolter)
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