Open Bug 1029133 Opened 10 years ago Updated 2 years ago

WebIDE accessibility review


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)





(Reporter: davidb, Unassigned)


We need to triage about:app-manager for accessibility of usage.
A first look suggests a lot of work has to be done to make this thing accessible. There are things that I can tab to once I have created a new project, but everything just consists of non-semantic section and list elements, with text leaves below them. So whatever this looks like visually, semantically it is not much more than divs and some ul thingies strewn about.
I looked at the code, and it appears I'm seeing bits from different components. The stuff that makes up the information, warnings, errors etc. from the basic app I created, are HTML embeeded in iframes in XUL. This effectively acts as if there was role="application" set on everything. And I don't see where the tab stops I'm seeing are coming from, tabindex attributes are not added via either script or html. At least not in the browser/devtools/webide sub directory.

I'm also seeing something that could be the list of files, but I don't find in code where that is generated, and these are also not keyboard focusable items, but simply text nodes within a list or so.
about:app-manager has been removed (bug 1007061).
There is only WebIDE now living in /devtools/client/webide/ folder.
Summary: about:app-manager (web ide) accessibility review → WebIDE accessibility review
Severity: normal → S3
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